Frequently Asked Questions

Please note estimated shipping times include processing time at the warehouse and are calculated from the date the order is placed. You may receive a next day delivery dispatch email as late as 12:30am on the day your delivery is expected

EU deliveries – All orders to EU addresses will be delivered with all duties and taxes paid by us.
Non-EU deliveries – Depending on the value of your order, your TEONA BO parcel may or may not be charged customs or import duties. If your parcel is charged, it is up to the person receiving the parcel to cover these costs. Unfortunately, these charges are out of TEONA BO hands, and vary widely from country to country, so we’re unable to predict what your particular charges may be. For more accurate information, we would suggest getting in touch with your local customs office so you’re not surprised if there are any unexpected delivery charges at your end.

If you’re missing part of your order, it’s possible it could have been sent in more than one parcel. If this is the case, you will have received one dispatch email per parcel. This is likely to be the case if your order is quite large. Please also check the invoice inside your parcel bag. This will detail which items should be in the parcel. If you have only been sent one dispatch email and haven’t received all of your items please contact us within 14 days..

Unfortunately, once an order has been placed, we cannot make any changes!

Can you get a refund if you change your mind and want to choose a different model?

If you have any further questions, please contact us, and our customer support team will be happy to assist you!