To get to know each other!
We are not designers, we are not creative people; we are those girls who love feminine looks and beautiful shoes. Our shoes are unique; the young brand TEONA BO offers unusual footwear that can be purchased in our city's stores. We provide the latest trends at affordable prices for girls with a unique taste. All models of our brand are and will be made from eco-friendly leather, and we have a clear belief, verified by numbers and facts, that shoes made from artificial leather can be made to order!
We are style and a lot of boldness.
There's no one like us! The TEONA BO team analyzes the latest fashion news and gossip to offer you a range that will take any girl to the next level of style, helping her stand out from the crowd. Our mission is simple - to provide you with the opportunity to wear bright, unusual, bold shoes - at home, in our Moldova, without waiting for long, foreign packages. From high heels to sandals and boots, we have the brightest and newest selection of women's shoes on the market.